Trauma Therapy

Holistic Trauma Therapy in Southampton on the Shinnecock Reservation

Take back control of your story. Trauma doesn’t have to guide you. 

In the sanctuary of Blossom Counseling Services, we recognize the profound impact trauma can have, often shaping the narratives that weave through our thoughts and experiences. We acknowledge the long-reaching shadows it can cast, affecting self-perception and life’s trajectory. Trauma can also negatively impact your interpersonal relationships, manifest as physical symptoms, and influence your mental health in countless other ways. Yet, within these challenges, we stand firm in the belief that your story is an unfolding tapestry under your control.

Trauma need not be the guiding force in your life; instead, it serves as a chapter—a significant part of your journey but not the entirety of your narrative.

Your Journey, Your Control: How Trauma Recovery Empowers You

Embark on your journey to healing with Blossom Counseling, where we believe in empowering you to regain control over your life. In our trauma recovery programs, we prioritize your autonomy and individuality. Our therapists are dedicated to creating a customized approach that resonates with your unique experiences, strengths, and goals. By combining western therapeutic modalities with indigenous practices, we provide a comprehensive and empowering framework for trauma recovery. Blossom Counseling is committed to helping you discover the resilience within, guiding you towards a future where you dictate the narrative of your journey. Your recovery is not just a process; it’s a journey of self-empowerment, and at Blossom Counseling, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Take back control of your story. Trauma doesn’t have to guide you. 

In the sanctuary of Blossom Counseling Services, we recognize the profound impact trauma can have, often shaping the narratives that weave through our thoughts and experiences. We acknowledge the long-reaching shadows it can cast, affecting self-perception and life’s trajectory. Trauma can also negatively impact your interpersonal relationships, manifest as physical symptoms, and influence your mental health in countless other ways. Yet, within these challenges, we stand firm in the belief that your story is an unfolding tapestry under your control.

Trauma need not be the guiding force in your life; instead, it serves as a chapter—a significant part of your journey but not the entirety of your narrative.

Your Journey, Your Control: How Trauma Recovery Empowers You

Embark on your journey to healing with Blossom Counseling, where we believe in empowering you to regain control over your life. In our trauma recovery programs, we prioritize your autonomy and individuality. Our therapists are dedicated to creating a customized approach that resonates with your unique experiences, strengths, and goals. By combining western therapeutic modalities with indigenous practices, we provide a comprehensive and empowering framework for trauma recovery. Blossom Counseling is committed to helping you discover the resilience within, guiding you towards a future where you dictate the narrative of your journey. Your recovery is not just a process; it’s a journey of self-empowerment, and at Blossom Counseling, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Getting Treatment for Trauma Can Improve Many Areas In Your Life


Transform Your Emotional Well-being

Experience a profound shift in your emotional landscape as Blossom Counseling guides you through trauma recovery, fostering an environment where joy becomes a tangible part of your everyday life.


Rebuilding Relationships Through Trauma-Informed Care

Our therapy services empowers you to rebuild connections, fostering healthier and more fulfilling bonds with those around you.


Overcoming Trauma's Impact on Physical Health

Getting treatment for trauma can address the physical toll & symptoms, guiding you towards balanced living where physical well-being and mental health intertwine harmoniously.


Incorporating Resilience Into Everyday Experiences

Blossom Counseling introduces mindfulness into your life, teaching you to incorporate resilience into everyday experiences, fostering a renewed sense of purpose and awareness.


Unlocking Hidden Strengths Through Trauma Recovery

Trauma recovery at Blossom Counseling becomes a journey of self-discovery, unlocking hidden strengths and empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with newfound resilience.

What Our Clients Say

We often hear the following feedback from people about working with our healers.

  • We are kind
  • We set them on an incredible path
  • We have the ability to settle them down
  • We give them the clarity they are seeking
  • We built their ability to notice when they are getting stressed so they can better manage it

Professionals That Refer Clients To Us

Here are a handful of the professionals in our community that refer clients our way.


Get Started

You may call, text message, email, or fill out the form to reach us. We will respond within 48 hours, Monday through Friday.




Southampton, New York


We Will Help You Find Your Fit

We know that looking for a counselor can feel overwhelming.

We are here to help guide you to the counselor that is best for your needs. If that counselor turns out to
not be in our practice, that's okay. We know great counselors that we'd be happy to refer you to.

What’s most important to us is that you get connected with the help you need. We are here for you.