Depression Doesn’t Have To Be In Charge

Therapy for Depression in Southampton, New York 

Depression Has A Negative Impact on Personal Aspirations

Depression, like a dense and pervasive fog, has the profound ability to envelop personal aspirations, gradually eclipsing the vibrancy of once-vivid dreams. This emotional weight can act as a formidable force, casting shadows on the once-clear vision you held for your future. 

The enthusiasm that once fueled your pursuit of personal goals becomes subdued, and the path forward appears obscured by the heaviness of despair. The vibrant colors of optimism and ambition are dulled, making it challenging to discern a way through the fog. Blossom Counseling Service’s therapists recognizes the intricate complexities of this emotional landscape, offering a guiding light to illuminate the obscured path and help you piece together your aspirations anew.

Overcome Depression’s Suppression of Everyday Happiness

Our dedicated team of therapists understands the nuanced ways in which depression can impact your overall well-being, stifling the ability to find happiness in ordinary moments. Through tailored therapeutic interventions, we empower individuals to break free from the grips of depression, providing tools to rediscover the simple pleasures that bring joy. Blossom Counseling Service’s is committed to fostering an environment where everyday happiness becomes an achievable reality, creating a roadmap towards renewed positivity, resilience, and a sense of well-being in your daily life.

Your journey to overcoming depression and embracing everyday happiness starts here.

Embark on a path to well-being with Blossom.

Start with Blossom

Fill out a brief form to share your story. It's the first step in our understanding of how we can best support you.

Personal Consultation

We'll have a one-on-one conversation to explore your needs and explain how our services can align with your journey.

Begin Your Healing

Once we understand your needs, we’ll start the journey together, focused on your well-being and personal growth.

Getting Treatment for Depression Can Improve Many Areas In Your Life


Respark Interpersonal Connections After Depression

Blossom Counseling specializes in rejuvenating relationships that may have been strained by depression, providing guidance and support to rebuild communication, trust, and intimacy.


Reduce Depression's Negative Impact on Work and Ambitions

Discover a renewed sense of motivation and productivity with Blossom Counseling, as we offer strategies to break free from the shackles of depression and regain control over your professional life and aspirations.


Fostering Creativity and Self-Expression Post-Depression

Blossom Counseling empowers individuals to rediscover their passion and creativity that may have been dulled by depression, offering a space for artistic expression and the exploration of newfound interests.


Emerge from Depression's Isolation

Blossom Counseling guides individuals to overcome the isolation imposed by depression, fostering connections and social confidence for a more fulfilling and vibrant social life.


Restoring Self-Esteem

Regain a sense of confidence and self-worth with Blossom Counseling, as we work together to rebuild self-esteem and empower you to face life’s challenges with resilience.

Insurance & Payment Information

Accepted Insurance Providers

New York State American Indian Health Program

What If I Don’t Have The Insurance You Accept? Can I Still Work With My Insurance?

We can provide a monthly superbill that you may submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

Therapy Fees
  • Individual Session: $120 (60 minutes)

What Is Your Cancellation Policy?

To cancel a scheduled counseling session, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of your session is required. If prior and timely notification is not given, you will be charged the full session fee for the missed session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly requested information about therapy & insurance information at Blossom Counseling 

I’m nervous about starting counseling. Is that normal?

Counseling can be vulnerable and new, so it’s natural to be nervous. It can be difficult to have faith that counseling will bring you relief. The fear around that can feel overwhelming. It takes courage to start going to counseling. The fact that you are on this website, looking for help, and reading this right now shows that you are being brave and seeking help.

Therapy is a space where you can be yourself and come just as you are, including feeling nervous. Our counselor are committed to finding a way to care for your nervousness and ensure sessions are as comfortable as possible.

We’re here if you want to talk about it during your call with us.

How do I know if one of your counselors could be the right fit for me?

Take your time to read through our website. If you sense that we could help you, you can reach out.

During your call with us, you’ll be able to share what’s going on for you. Once we understand your needs, we will help you choose the healer that is right for you. Or if you already have a healer in mind, you may request them.

You can also ask us more about your counselor. You might be curious about how they have helped other people like you before or their professional background. 

It may be helpful to think of the first few sessions as trying out the waters with your counselor. During the sessions, you’ll be able to start seeing what it’s like. Every counselor approach is not going to work for everyone. What’s most important to us is that you find the right fit for you. We can explore that together.

What if I don’t want to talk about something?

It’s natural to not want to share some of the painful or difficult things we’ve been through. 

During sessions it will always be up to you if you feel ready to talk about something or not. Your therapist will be there to guide you towards discovering what feels comfortable for you to share. Working at your pace, you can look at the tough stuff once you’re ready.

You can also share with your counselor that you are nervous to open up about something and they will be able to talk about that too. Whatever is present for you. Whatever you are going through. Bring that to each session and you can explore that with your counselor.

I’m scared that if I open up, my counselor will think I’m crazy.

If you open up to your counselor, they will not think you are crazy, they will think you are unique and human. We know this because many of our clients have had the same fear (that people would think they are crazy). 

Working with our clients has shown us that the challenges your are facing are normal and natural.

You have nothing to be ashamed about. Nothing you can say will cause your healer to judge you. We all struggle, we might be emotionally drained from the ups and downs, we are humans trying to human. 

Whatever it is you’re going through, we provide a calming space where your counselor will respect you and and listen with focus and compassion

Does what we talk about in counseling remain confidential?

We highly respect your privacy and value your trust. 

It can be worrying thinking that something you say in therapy might get out into our close-knit community So we want you to know that unless you are in danger or someone else is, your story is confidential and your time in the session is protected.

You can rest assured that you can talk about anything without fear of that information getting out.

If you have specific questions about how confidentiality works, you can ask during your call with us or at anytime.

How long will counseling take?

You might be asking about how long therapy will take because therapy is hard to fit into your busy schedule. 

If this is true for you, we want you to know that on average, our new clients start seeing improvements after the first 3-4 sessions. 

By that point, they they feel like they have learned some ways to manage challenging stuff in their lives a bit better.

The total duration of counseling varies from client to client. Some of our clients find 6-12 weeks to be enough to resolve immediate challenges. While other clients feel more supported by longer term counseling.

You can work together with your counselor to find the length of time that works for you.

What can I expect during the first session?

Overall, you can think of the first session as a structured assessment that helps your counselor get to know you and the challenges that brought you into treatment. Your counselor will invite you to share more about yourself and you can also share what’s worked or not worked for your mental health in the past.

Some questions that your healer may ask during a first session include:

  • What brought you to counseling?

  • Have you gone to counseling before? How did that go?

  • What goals would you like to reach by going to counseling?

You can ask your counselor questions as well. You might be curious about about the counselor’s experience or how future sessions work. 

The most important part of a first session is to notice how you feel during and after the session. If you feel supported, seen, and at-ease with your healer, you can discuss if you’d like to meet again. 

Get Started

You may call, text message, email, or fill out the form to reach us. We will respond within 48 hours, Monday through Friday.




Southampton, New York


We Will Help You Find Your Fit

We know that looking for a counselor can feel overwhelming.

We are here to help guide you to the counselor that is best for your needs. If that counselor turns out to
not be in our practice, that's okay. We know great counselors that we'd be happy to refer you to.

What’s most important to us is that you get connected with the help you need. We are here for you.